Exciting details have been shared about the Studio 1 transformation at Disneyland Paris' Walt Disney Studios Park. Disney previously announced that the makeover would begin in October 2023 and it looks like work on the exterior is finally starting to get underway.
Disneyland Paris has updated its website with a note that says Studio 1 will close in late April, including Restaurant en Coulisse, Hep Cat Corner, and the rest of the boutiques inside.
Disney also stated that they will be undertaking significant pavement work behind fences in several areas in Walt Disney Studios Park – some of which we have already spotted.
Les travaux de réfection des sols sur le nouveau chemin qui permettra de contourner pendant un an environ Disney Studio 1 de la Place des Frères Lumière à Production Courtyard, se poursuivent (ça casse et ça coule aussi 🚧) pic.twitter.com/RKevaAdVzV
— Disneyphile (@DisneyphileLIVE) February 28, 2024
New fencing has appeared surrounding the exterior of Studio 1.
Studio 1 Renovation Plans
Disneyland filed a permit last year detailing some of the construction taking place inside Studio 1.
While this space is currently designed to resemble a working studio with plenty of backstage props, the makeover seems like it will be a dramatic departure from this. Studio 1 is set to be transformed into a movie premiere garden party with plenty of trees replacing the facades inside the studio.
It is also believed that the Restaurant en Coulisse capacity will increase, with new counter space to be added. The park entrance will also be given a new cinema-style awning, giving the entrance to the park a much grander feel.
The last day to enjoy Studio 1 in its current set up will be the 24th April, 2024, and then the Studio 1 building will not reopen until spring 2025. During this period of closure, a side alleyway will become the main entrance into the Walt Disney Studios Park.
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