Disney Springs officially reopened on May 20, 2020, from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Operations are modified, here's what to expect.
Parking is limited to one garage, and once that garage reaches capacity, guests will have to wait to park until somebody else leaves. That way there is never more than a certain number of guests in the area. Parking is otherwise the same as it usually is. Guests self-park their cars and for now, it does not seem like the cars need to be spread out with one or more spaces in between each.
Temperature Checks
For now, there is only one entrance open. Guests wait in line, where on the ground are indicators that show where each guest should stand to remain within the physical distancing requirement of six feet apart. At a certain point in the queue, an AdventHealth employee will check your temperature. The thermometer they use is a digital contact-less forehead thermometer. That way there is little to no risk that the temperature checks will contribute to the the spread of diseases.
Your temperature needs to be under 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit to be allowed past this point. If you do have a higher temperature than that, you can wait for a few minutes in a nearby tent and be checked again. If you are still running a fever above 100.4, you and your party will be turned away.
Face Coverings
Proper face masks are required to enter Disney Springs. You really should bring your own mask. However, if you do forget, there are a limited amount of disposable masks available at the temperature checkpoint. The only time you are allowed to remove your mask is when dining or drinking a beverage, but it should immediately be replaced when finished.
Helpful Reminders
Throughout the area are red notice signs with health and safety reminders. These implore guests and cast members to keep their faces covered with their masks, maintain a distance of 6 feet apart from those not in their party, wash hands frequently, cover their mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing, and avoid touching their own faces.
In addition to these notice signs, there are also a few signs that warn guests about the risk of COVID-19. It disclaims that Disney has done everything it can to prevent any further spread. Guests assume the risk and responsibility if they do get infected.
Cleaning Procedures
Cast members have undergone more extensive training on stricter cleaning policies. These intense cleaning rituals will occur more often with more people involved. Cast members are also required to wear face masks, as well as gloves if they are cleaning. The swinging lids on the top of trashcans have been removed so guests and cast members do not have to touch them.
Pay Attention to the Ground
Anywhere that guests will be waiting in line, there are markers on the ground to show where each guest should stand to remain six feet apart. Also, on the walkways are arrows that show guests what direction they should be walking on each side of the road to help limit physical encounters with other guests.
For now, only a few third-party (not owned by Disney) shops are open. All of these stores are limiting guest capacity, which may mean you have to wait in line outside six feet apart. Many cash register spots are covered by a sneeze guard shield as well to further ensure safety. Mobile checkout and cash-less pay are highly encouraged. Mobile checkout means you order online and pick it up in the store to limit interactions. Vera Bradley is currently selling more reusable face masks for $8 if you want another one. Some stores also sell hand sanitizer but it sells out quickly. You should just bring your own.
All dining locations and restaurants are limiting capacity and encouraging social distancing, just like the stores do. Most places functioned with takeout or to-go orders. Only a few places allowed dining in, with physical distancing. You must wear your mask until seated at your table. Wait times can be long so advanced reservations are a good idea. Paper menus are being used instead of reusable menus. Tables and chairs are disinfected in between each use.
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