You have heard the news: Disney World should be reopening in July! But to help ensure safety, they also announced a new Disney World reservation system. Here is what we know so far.

New Disney World Reservation System

Since the COVID-19 pandemic is ongoing, capacity will be limited. So instead of bringing your ticket or pass to the ticket scanner, you will need to make a reservation before you can go inside. That way Disney knows how many people will be at their parks ahead of time each day and can control crowds.

There are no new reservations allowed yet. Only guests with existing, unused tickets or annual passes are able to make reservations for now. Current Disney Vacation Club members can also make reservations. The Walt Disney Company is reaching out to guests with existing reservations and tickets in different phases. For now, these guests are advised to wait until they hear from Disney directly about their personal situation. Otherwise, when new reservations and tickets are available, we will let you know. Disney also requests your respect and patience as they navigate through this new event. The number one priority is the health and safety of both cast members and guests.