Universal Studios Japan has announced that the opening of Donkey Kong Country at Super Nintendo World is delayed. The area was originally intended to open in spring, but the provisional date has now been moved to late 2024.
The new expansion will increase the size of this land by 70% and will include a mine cart-style roller coaster based on the popular Donkey Kong video game. Plus, guests will be able to use their Power-Up Bands to collect coins and be featured on the score leaderboard.
USJ released a statement that said, “Although the development work of this expansion area is in the final stages of completion, USJ would like to ensure a positive experience for our guests and has determined that additional time is needed for the final period of preparations and adjustments.”
Fans are disappointed but not surprised; USJ has been slow to update progress on this section of the park, with an opening date expected weeks ago. The same thing happened with Super Nintendo World before it opened in 2021 – the land was delayed after the pandemic put the kibosh on plans.
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