After an unexpected hiatus, Fantasmic! will finally return to Disneyland next month. The show is Disney’s longest-running nighttime spectacular and features a range of classic Disney moments and characters.
Fantasmic! returns to Rivers of America in Disneyland Park on 24th May, 2024 with showings at 9pm and 10:30pm.
Fantasmic! Returns
Fantastic! was temporarily paused after a fire engulfed the Maleficent dragon float in April 2023.
While the majority of the new show will be identical to the Fantasmic! we know and love, Disney announced that the final scene between Maleficent and Sorcerer Mickey will be reimagined without the dragon. New special effects have also been teased.
Fantasmic! takes place daily at Disneyland. Disney first announced the reopening date in late 2023, though the park calendar now shows timings – the best place to check showtimes is on the Disneyland app or online calendar.
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